4 Things To Look For When Choosing A Cat Boarder

Pets & Animals Blog

Leaving a cat behind while one's away on a business trip or vacation can make any pet parent nervous. However, cat boarding facilities are typically one of the best ways for you to ensure that your cat is safe and secure during your absence. If you're worried about your kitty's well-being, here are four things you should ask about at your cat boarding facility before boarding your cat.

Tour of the Facilities

Cat boarding facilities should be open to the idea of providing a tour of their facility to you. You may need to work around their schedule so you're not in the way when staff are caring for the kitties, but a cat boarder should never say no to providing a tour.

Use the tour as an opportunity to ask questions and to reassure yourself that the facility is clean and safe. In addition to looking at the facility, keep an eye on the cats there. Do they look clean, well fed, and comfortable? If so, you've probably chosen a great cat boarding facility.


Some, but not all, cat boarders use webcams to provide a view of the cats for the pet parents. If your cat boarder doesn't have one, you shouldn't consider it to be a deal-breaker, but if they do, it's an added bonus.

If your boarder doesn't have a webcam system, ask them if it's okay for you to call once a day to ask about your cat's condition instead.


Cats who are boarded will spend most of their time in their kennels. However, that doesn't mean that they should be entirely deprived of socialization and playtime.

Most cat boarders offer playtime as an optional or naturally included part of their cat boarding services. Cats are active creatures that need play to stay healthy and fit, so if the cat boarder you're interested in doesn't offer playtime, you might want to look elsewhere.

Veterinary Partnership

Lastly, don't be afraid to ask what veterinarian your cat boarding facility is partnered with. Most cat boarders don't have a veterinarian on-site, unless you're boarding your cat at a veterinarian's office. However, that doesn't mean that they won't have someone they rely upon in case a kitty becomes ill or injured during their stay.

Once you've learned the name of the vet your boarder is paired with, make sure to research them, too. Look them up online and look for customer reviews to make sure they have an active practice and satisfied customers. Doing so will ensure that your kitty will be in the best hands possible on the unlikely possibility that anything happens during their stay.

Being a good pet parent requires a little investigation and digging before leaving your cat in someone else's hands. With these tips, you can rest easy knowing that your kitty will be staying with a reliable and safe cat boarder.


30 August 2017

Adding Pets To Your Family

When I was growing up, I had a dog that I absolutely adored. We did everything together. From running and playing outside to spending time together in the house, she really felt like a friend who loved and cared about me. Unfortunately, she passed on when she was about ten years old, and it was really difficult for me. I realized that I wanted to get a new dog after that, so I started looking for a business that could help. I started going from pet store to vet clinic to see if anyone had an animal that needed a home, and I found an animal that I really loved. Check out this blog for great information on pet ownership.